Joanna Radziszewska and Gajusz Kęska are two separate musical temperaments that share one common sensitivity.
The artists met at the Krakow Academy of Music, where for several years they worked together on the song and opera repertoire. This cooperation resulted in many concerts as well as the creation of a harmonious and duo they create today.
The Classic Duo concert repertoire includes songs, Polish and foreign composers, operetta and opera arias, and even songs from the most famous musicals.
Classic Duo offers classical music concerts. The band’s repertoire includes songs, opera and operetta arias.
Any questions regarding concert offers, please contact:
Joanna Radziszewska – soprano
Anna Wiktoria Swoboda – lute / theorbo
About us: The artists have been working together for several years performing Renaissance and Baroque music in accordance with the principles of historically informed performance in which they specialize. At the centre of their vocal and instrumental repertoire (for voice and lute or voice and basso continuo) are the most beautiful songs of the Elizabethan era – Dowland, Campion, Johnson, works of Italian virtuosos: Monteverdi, Caccini, Frescobaldi and solo works of the famous 16th and 17th century lutes those associated with the Jagiellonian court in Wawel. Recordings of both artists can be found on their websites:, and on the YouTube channel – welcome!